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蒙汗药的个人空间 https://www.cq69.com/?1034 [收藏] [复制] [RSS]


wgzh123 2012-4-18 17:42
我是兰子 2011-9-17 19:55
瑶瑶妹 2011-7-11 01:52
蒙汗药: 现在在哪儿的?电话?
huang-doudou 2010-12-6 15:12
mmdi@juno.com 2010-11-5 03:55
How are you doing?
mmdi@juno.com 2010-7-9 02:59
Germany lost, I think Spain will win the world cup.
mmdi@juno.com 2010-7-7 04:13
We felt so bad that Brazil and Italy were lost. Hope Germany will the world cup!
蒙汗药 2010-6-5 16:49
mmdi@juno.com 2010-6-4 21:59
The World Cup is coming soon!
mmdi@juno.com 2010-6-4 21:58
mmdi@juno.com 2010-6-4 21:58
The world cup in coming soon! Are you ready?
mmdi@juno.com 2010-5-13 00:40
What's cooking? Summer is here! Any plan? Miss you all!
蒙汗药 2010-2-12 10:44
Happy New Year to you!我们过年在人和过,电话是86781130~~~~~~
mmdi@juno.com 2010-2-10 01:06
New Year is coming, are you very busy? Happy New Year to you!
mmdi@juno.com 2010-1-22 05:50
Hello! We are very happy to see your pictures!  
We are doing well.........
mmdi@juno.com 2009-12-29 23:53
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
蒙汗药 2009-11-24 13:34
mmdi@juno.com 2009-11-19 22:54
How are you doing? S&H are doing well.
mmdi@juno.com 2009-10-15 00:19
Glad you back and had good time!
mmdi@juno.com 2009-9-17 22:17
Can I go with you? I will take vacation next week. Lets go together!!!!


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